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Hans Vertriest

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Full-Stack Developer

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Hey, I’m Hans, a 23 year old developer, living in Ghent and always looking for the next big challenge.

I studied Graphical and Digital Media at the Artevelde University of applied sciences where I got awarded ambassador of New Media Development. During my studies I interned at Bothrs and spend multiple summers working at Open Summer of Code (2020 and 2021). Next, after graduating, I decided to join the startup Bizzy as first employee.

I chose to dive head-first in a startup because of the ownership, big learning oppertunities and experiences that come with the startup culture. Now, while being at Bizzy, I’m working hard to deepen my knowledge in backend-development as that’s where my interests are currently taking me.

In my downtime you’ll find me reading a good science-fiction book, sweating in the “meta-verse” or just socialising with friends and family.


NodeJS, Typescript, Python

Express, GraphQL

MySQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch

React, Expo, NextJS

Docker, Digitalocean


Visualising Nasa's meteor data

For my bachelor’s project I wanted to combine my interest in space and data visualisation. After researching and investigating the flemish astronomy scenes, I decided to create a visualisation of the shooting star data gathered by the CAMS-project. The main goal of the project was proving that scientific visualisations can be UX-friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

Currently a new, open-source version of the Meteorium-API is in the making, which will implement daily updates of registered shooting stars.